iTunes Remote
A Cal Henderson Project
Started May 13th, 2009

What Is It?
iTunesRemote is a simple web interface that allows you to control iTunes over the web. The setup looks something like this:
- You have a Mac running iTunes (called the host machine), which contains all of your music and has speakers connected (or remote speakers via AirTunes)
- You have other computers on the same network, which you want to use to control iTunes on the host machine.
I use this software to remote-control iTunes on my media server, which is connected to speakers around my house. It acts much like the Apple 'Remote' app for the iPhone, but runs in a browser (and is much less flakey). Multiple people can use it at once (and much hilarity ensues).
The application will only run on a Mac (It uses AppleScript to communicate with iTunes) and is written in PHP. OSX comes with Apache and PHP (required), but will require a little configuration.
- Play, Pause, Next, Previous
- Volume control
- Title, Artist & Album display
- Time elapsed/remaining
- Time scrub bar
- Search
- Artwork display
- Partial track listing (works on large 25k+ libraries)
- Progress indicators
- Probably other things
Get a copy
iTunes Remote is being actively developed and has not had a formal release.
You can get the latest version of it from my public Git repository here:
While all code has been (so far) written by Cal Henderson, the project was inspired by this article, which suggested AppleScript. If you want to remake this for Windows, there's a Python library for talking to iTunes via COM.
Oh, and all the design is taken from Apple's iTunes, of course.