Branch Coverage


9100TFif $axis
21100TFdefined $$token{'axis'} ? :
23100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'child'
24100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'descendant'
25100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'descendant-or-self'
26100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'parent'
27100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'ancestor'
28100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'ancestor-or-self'
29100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'following-sibling'
30100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'preceding-sibling'
31100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'following'
32100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'preceding'
33100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'attribute'
35100TFif $$self{'axis'} eq 'self'
80100TFif $me
84100TFif ($$child{'type'} eq 'element')
10150TFif ($$input{'type'} eq 'nodeset')
10550TFif ($$input{'type'} eq 'node')
10950TFunless defined $nodes
13350TFif defined $$tag{'parent'}
160100TFif $me
162100TFif (defined $$tag{'parent'})
17850TFif (defined $$tag{'parent'})
182100TFif $found
183100TFif $$child{'order'} == $$tag{'order'}
19750TFif (defined $$tag{'parent'})
201100TFif $$child{'order'} == $$tag{'order'}
202100TFunless $found
21550TFif $$tag{'order'} < $min_order
230100TFif $$tag{'order'} > $min
234100TFif ($$child{'order'} != $min and $$child{'type'} eq 'element')
25150TFif ($$tag{'order'} > $max_order)
269100TFif $$tag{'order'} < $max and not $$parents{$$tag{'order'}}
273100TFif ($$child{'order'} != $max and $$child{'type'} eq 'element')